
Saturday 18 February 2012

Sound Research

There are two different types of sounds that can be used in our film opening, Digetic and Non- Digetic sounds.

Digectic - This is any sound that audience and the characters are suppose to hear and haven't been added during the editing process.

Non- Digectic  - This type of sound is the opposite of digetic sounds as it has been placed in the clip for the audience to hear purposely. The reason directors and editors do this is put emphasis on a specific sound for the audience to hear more clearly. An example of this is if a character is walking on the other side of the road the director may put a non-digectic sound in the editing to show anticipation.

This is clip from the film Adulthood showing a fight scene between two characters, the director purposely puts non-digectic sounds for the audience to hear every sound during the final fight scene in the movie.

The music during this scene also adds anticipation to the fight because the genre is action and drama. The tempo of scene also fits to the theme of the scene as when it comes to a vital part the music builds up then suddenly slows down.

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